I am quite literally gobsmacked. I have found a unicorn. Something so impossible I did not think I would ever see this ever in my life, an honest cop. This man had the same awakening I had when I realized how many cops rape women regularly. This cop even talks about that in this piece.
I realized long ago that cops are bigger criminals than criminals. I know to a lot of you that will sound hyperbolic because you too are most likely affected by a lot of copaganda. The profession attracts the worst of people and the older generations of cops train them.
Personally I think we need to burn down the entire justice system. It its current form, it is broken beyond repair. It is corrupt from the Supreme Court all the way down the line. The chief justice had the audacious gall to say we living in a ‘post racial society.’ They are so detached from the reality of the world that’s we’d be much better off if we put a proboscis monkey in charge of throwing a lever to guilty or not guilty. That’s how utterly useless judges are and Mitch McConnell just put 200 judges of the worst strip on the federal judiciary for life.
I cannot emphasize this enough, incremental change is not going to work to stop the violence police officers commit against fellow citizens. You all who feel some comfort for knowing they are there, need to wake the fuck up and listen to those of us who know from experience. If you have ever posted something about blue lives matter, you are the problem and I will thank you very much to block me.
The police do one thing and one thing only, they infect trauma because that’s what they are trained to do. Think of how many people of color are in prison right now for selling marijuana. Think of how many people have been murdered because of it. Think of all the dioxin we sprayed all over south America and east Asia that gave the poor people there cancer and caused their children to have hideous birth defects. Don’t ever again listen to see “pro-life” shithead talk about babies when they sure as hell don’t give a shit about our government spraying toxins across the globe for Nixon’s evil drug war.
If you aren’t voting for people who want to end that war, you are part of the problem. The callousness of Republican ideology has made our country so sick that the land of the free now incarcerates more people than Russia and China combined.
Read what this former cops says, please. Do not ever talk to a police officer about anything. They are not there to help you, not ever. This goes especially for any women.
Our complacency and apathy have grown this monster and we the people must slay it no matter how much it hurts us. It’s hurting all of us now. It cannot be reformed. It cannot be fixed. It must be burned to the ground and we must start over from scratch.