The Tide Is High And We’re Not Moving On Mitch

Thomas Clay Jr.
5 min readJan 13, 2021

I gotta be honest fam, I am happier than a gambling junkie in Vegas with a suitcase full of cash watching Republicans ablaze from their own stupidity. That moral arc of the universe is not just bending towards justice, it’s about to slap the ever-loving hell out of Mitch McConnell and I’m happy as a lark to be here to witness it.

I understand why so many of you are cynical about Mitch doing anything but you have to understand what is really happening. This insurrection is proving financially ruinous for Republicans. You’ve seen all their donors talking about them not getting another nickel after their seditionist fiasco. Mitch *must* convict Trump or Republicans aren’t going to be able to raise enough money to compete in 2022.

What’s more is that Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are dead men walking. The Sedition Caucus is going to wreck Republicans and Mitch knows it. He will have to cut bait with them or 2022 will be the most disastrous election to Republicans ever. This cannot be overstated. We could win 16 senate seats and 100 in the house if they do not cull the lunatics in their party.

Mitch is now beginning to understand that this is Armageddon. He has to butcher the sedition caucus himself. If he doesn’t, he won’t have any cash from Wall Street or any other street. No company wants the heat that is going to come…



Thomas Clay Jr.

Kentucky Rake-hell created by the Dark Lord to punish Republicans.