Member-only story
We Need To Fight As Dirty As Republicans
I wish Democrats would just fucking stop with the bipartisanship bullshit. Dick Durbin thinks he’s going to get a couple of Republicans to vote for the John Lewis Voting bill. That’d be like roaches voting for Raid you hapless fucking nitwit. I am sick of Democrats being the grownups acting like there’s even one scumbag Republican who would vote for something that would hamstring their cheating efforts.
If *I* was in the senate, I would b!tchslap Mitch McConnell anytime he ever stood up to talk and scream, ‘shut up you lying MFer!’
They’re acting like the insurgents were just taking a tour of the senate. I wonder what they’d say if Democrats stormed the Capitol with bricks and bat? It would be worse than a thousand Benghazis and we all know Benghazi to any Republican is like ten Viagras in a Bordello.
We can’t woo sociopaths into doing a damn thing as long as the orange menace is still free to receive analingus from Kevin McCarthy.
We also never asked the nazis what they thought about the Nuremberg Tribunals.
We need to stop treating them like they are the loyal opposition or even a viable political party. Their entire platform now is treason. If there was one single honorable Republican, they would have renounced the party like George Will, Steve Schmidt and a plethora of…